Bar Hostess Empowerment & Support Programme (BHESP) is a feminist-led organization advocating for the rights of bar hostesses, female sex workers, sexual minority women, and other vulnerable women in Kenya. BHESP was founded in the year 1998 by a group of these vulnerable women as a ‘loose’ association to advocate for their rights and recognition. BHESP’s mission is to influence policy and facilitate the provision of comprehensive Sexual reproductive health, human rights awareness, legal services and economic empowerment for these women in Kenya. BHESP engages these women in Kenya in HIV/AIDS Prevention, care and support, gender/ human rights awareness, advocacy and economic empowerment. The organization serves as a common voice for these vulnerable populations in efforts to reduce stigma and discrimination while engaging various stakeholders in advocacy and policy dialogue.
Our mission is to Empower and Support all vulnerable women including; Bar Hostesses, Female Sex Workers and Sexual Minorities Women.
Vision is that of a society where inclusion and diversity of all women is upheld.
Core values
In order to effectively deliver on our mandate, and in an effort to emerge as a regional leader in championing the rights and dignity of sex workers, WSW, women using drugs and bar hostesses, the organization’s strategic direction and result areas will be based on its core values that form the basis of all BHESP’s operations. These are our values in action:-
Excellence: BHESP will strive to become a model of excellence. We aim to achieve this through continuous development and improvement our services by working in partnership with the people that use them and the application of local solutions to local problems.
Integrity: BHESP will carry out its activities in an honest and truthful manner.
Empowerment: BHESP’s philosophy is that of enabling not charity. While championing for their rights we shall continuously aim to provide sex workers, WSW, women using drugs and bar hostesses useful information, knowledge and skills to encourage self reliance. Arising thereof, we believe they shall make informed decisions regarding their future.
Professionalism: BHESP believes in quality outcomes. This will reflect in lean, multi-skilled workforce (employees and volunteers) and strong partnership with other credible and professional organizations.
Non-discrimination: BHESP will aim to provide relevant, evidence-based, accurate, consistent, well-presented peer education and information in a non-judgmental, empathetic manner that acknowledges sex workers, WSW, women using drugs, and bar hostesses as the experts
Accountability: BHESP will continue to be accountable to the people and communities they serve, and to donors, through prudent use of financial and non financial resources, and transparent reporting of finances and activities while seeking to post a positive impact of the organization’s efforts.
The following are the key objectives of BHESP:
To provide mentorship and direction to nascent Feminist organizations in Kenya.
Provide services and linkages to vulnerable women.
Support Feminist movement building and strengthening locally and Globally
Strive for justice and welfare of all Vulnerable women